What we do

We meet regularly with

We are also prototyping local and regional meetings online and in-person: Brazilian hub, Ghanaian chat, East Africa meet-up.

One of the main objectives of the Art of Forests is to offer a place where members can openly share their successes and failures with others so that all can learn and scale their projects more efficiently.
Shared learning and collective problem solving underpin the spirit of all our gatherings — we strive to work beyond and without the more typical dominant biases of self-interest and competitive advantage dominating specialist collectives so far.

We have many experts in our community. Some of those invited to share with the rest of the community include:

Alex de Soza Kinzer
on large scale landscape development

Eric Wilburn
on the financing of nature based solutions

John Beckett
on the reforestation of Ireland

Patrick Worms
on agroforestry

Tony Rinaudo
on farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR)

Bill Liao
on the direct connection between trees, clouds and rain

Florent Kaiser
on the reforestation of the Andes in Latin America

Neal Spackman
on blue carbon and mangrove restoration

Rebecca Pearse
on community engagement and benefits in restoration work
  • Land Rights and Tenure
  • Local Community Engagement
  • Financing and Scaling
  • Biodiversity
  • MRV (Monitoring, Reporting, and Validation) 
  • advocating for adjustments and changes in standard setting for carbon projects and global policy making — bringing the voice from the ground in discussion on NDCs or at global gatherings.
  • bridging the gap of understanding among financiers, investors and funders, between their needs and the increasingly difficult reality of project operators on the ground.
  • promoting and supporting the development of new financing structures for future projects, ensuring a fairer share of benefits is received by local land stewards.